Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It was a beautiful sunny day -- unseasonably so for February -- so we went for a drive with the Flat Love Magnet.

Down a very long, tree-lined road...

...until we found Theno's Dairy. This little shop sells its own homemade ice cream, cheese and fudge.

Theno's cows used to live in a pasture behind the dairy, until the neighborhood around Theno's turned into a bedroom community and the neighbors began to complain about the "dairy air." So the cows were moved out to a more rural area. But in memory of the cows that once grazed happily here, there is a large Holstein cow fiberglass statue on the porch of Theno's.

The Flat Love Magnet was very fond of Theno's cow.

Choosing an ice cream flavor was very difficult. There were lots to choose from and they all looked delicious.

In the end, the Flat Love Magnet decided she'd just have some of my Raspberry Rhapsody. Mmmmmm.


  1. The Love Magnet says: did you eat the ice cream? I am the real Love Magnet. I love ice cream. I like ba-nilla. You see a cow? We did like cows. Where is the farm? We go to farm. We love eat ice cream.. We say prayers for Cap'n Mi-nite. He sick. That's it.

  2. We did eat the ice cream. It was delicious. Miss V got the chocolate chip mint flavor, but we didn't take a picture of it.

    The farm where the cows live now is in a little town called Carnation. Maybe we should go there some time with the Flat Love Magnet.

    Captain Midnight says, "Thank you for the prayers."


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