Monday, March 1, 2010


Because apparently you can't spend more than about a week visiting our family without being dragged to see the wonder that is the Daiso store.

Daiso of Japan is a hyaku-en store (100-yen store) where almost everything in the store sells for 100 yen, or in American money, $1.50. This particular Daiso has a few items that sell for more... Miss V's new nightshirt with Totoro on it, which was $7.00.

But mostly they are $1.50, whether they are coloring books, clay tools...

...china bowls, beautiful fancy papers...

...bento boxes, or tasty little chocolate mushrooms. Mmmmmmushrooms!

I think the Flat Love Magnet might try to eat all of these after we have gone to bed. I hope she doesn't give herself a tummy ache.

1 comment:

  1. The Love Magnet Says: we like to have ice cream but not chocolate. Banilla.

    Scarehaircare says: speak for yourself....I LOVE chocolate shrooms!


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